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Lehigh Valley Cru is a diverse community where the Gospel captures hearts, transforms lives, and launches men and women on a life-long adventure with Jesus Christ

Fall Retreat is a weekend getaway for all students! It is a great time to get off campus, have fun, make new friends, and learn more about what Faith in Jesus looks like. Come enjoy the fall weather, hiking trails, basketball and soccer games, boating on the lake, and a campfire!

When: Oct. 4th - Oct. 6th

Where: Victory Valley Camp (7352 Salem Bible Church Road Zionsville, PA)

 Freshmen Cost: $60 (with promo code: FRESH20 and FIRST)

Non-Freshmen, First-Timer Cost: $81 (with promo code: FIRST)

Returner Cost: $115

Please do not let the cost be a barrier for you to come! If you need help covering the cost of fall retreat, please contact Kyra Dunlap.

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